Discover, detect, and manage exposed secrets

Leave no secret hidden, ever again. Gain deep visibility into every secret with Entro.

Here’s a test: How many secrets does your organization have in total as of now? Most security professionals have no clue. 

Secrets such as API keys, encryption keys, access keys, and tokens are notorious for staying hidden. They’re often created en masse, stored everywhere, have access to random resources, and are used in random ways. 

You don’t need just another secrets scanner. You need a holistic secrets security solution that can search the nooks and crannies of your system to find every missing secret, and give you the exact number of secrets. And the best part, this number is constantly updated as the number of secrets in your system grows.

See every secret, everywhere

Go beyond mere vault storage, and gain a complete suite of features to detect, safeguard, and enrich secrets across various locations, including vaults, code repositories, Slack chats, wikis, Jira, and more.

Visualize and track activity

Visualize and track the activity of all secrets. Gain comprehensive security across your organization’s systems with enhanced secret lineage correlation and in-depth visibility. Find out where secrets are used and track their usage patterns. Stay on top of potentially exposed secrets in real-time.

Take control with context-driven security

Enforce robust security policies and customize these policies to align with industry best practices, compliance requirements, and internal security protocols. Use policies to define access controls, and then monitor suspicious activity, and set up automated remediation actions.

Prioritize threat mitigation with intelligent modeling

Not all secrets are created equal. A secret integral to your production system will have a higher risk profile than one in a non-critical development environment. View all your secrets prioritized in order of importance, and take action on the biggest risks first. 

What sets Entro apart

  • Get total visibility: Empower your teams with complete visibility into all secrets across AWS, code repositories, Kubernetes, and other tools. Enjoy a newfound clarity for easy and effective secrets management.
  • Have full oversight & control: Gain unprecedented oversight and control over secret keys. Be precise in how you manage permissions, and never leave a secret over-privileged again.
  • Identify & mitigate any secrets risk: Identify exposed secrets and manage secret-related risks, allowing for timely remediation. This is possible through deep secret analysis, metadata enrichment, and anomaly detection.
  • Automate for efficiency: View risks in order of priority, so you always know what to work on first, and what to move to next. Save both security and development teams valuable time and resources.

Book your demo today!

With Entro by your side, gain full observability over your secrets inventory, effectively manage all secrets, and significantly improve your organization’s security posture. Secure your digital assets proactively and mitigate potential vulnerabilities in your secrets management practices, all while reducing the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches. Why wait? Book a demo of Entro today, and experience the future of intelligent secrets management.

Reclaim control over your secrets

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